Livecom win the bidding satellite internet project of CNPC DaGang Niger Engineering SARL
    Recently, CNPC DaGang Niger Engineering SARL sent a bid-winning notice for the second phase of the satellite network project, and Livecom win the bidding.
The project is aimed at areas where overseas Chinese-funded enterprises are located in areas where the regional network is underdeveloped. The Livecom satellite network
is used for communication to minimize the impact of local factors on network communication, so that the communication of overseas Chinese-funded enterprises can be greatly
guaranteed and strengthened. Relations with the China.

This project is a long-term cooperation between Livecom and CNPC DaGang Niger Engineering SARL. On the basis of meticulous service, precise positioning, and precise excavation
of customer needs, it provides another network service for customers, which will lay the foundation for further cooperation in the future. solid foundation.